Town of Dannemora
Welcome to the
Chazy Lake, Lyon Mountain, Ledger's Corners, Village of Dannemora
Town of Dannemora Youth Commissioner
Stephanie Shusda
Phone: 518-569-4919
Website: facebook.com/groups/4464638223591400
Village of Dannemora Recreation Supervisor
Shauna Peryea
Website: dannemoravillage.com/parks-recreation
Parent's Night Out 2024
Need to do some last minute shopping for Christmas or get a few more presents without the kiddos’ prying eyes? Or maybe you just need quiet time? Here’s your chance! If you’re a resident of the Town, the Youth Program is sponsoring a FREE Parents’ Night Out – you can drop off your kiddos at the Town Hall, 78 Higby Road in Chazy Lake between 5 pm and 8 pm on December 20th and we will watch movies, eat popcorn and snacks, and have fun while you get something done! Eligible kiddos -Ages 4 – 11. Please pre-register with us by calling the Town Hall at 518-492-7541, extension 1 or 2, no later than December 18th. Limit – 20 children total.
The Town of Dannemora Youth Commission during the summer sponsors a t-ball, baseball, and softball program at our local parks and during the fall we offer soccer. Summer activities are also offered at the Chazy Lake Beach during the summer months. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.