Town of Dannemora
Welcome to the
Chazy Lake, Lyon Mountain, Ledger's Corners, Village of Dannemora

Dannemora Comprehensive Plan Committee FAQ
What is a Comprehensive Plan?
A Comprehensive Plan is a guidance document that sets goals, policies, and priorities for investing in the physical, economic, and environmental future of our Town.
What topics can a Comprehensive Plan address? What does a Comprehensive Plan actually do?
Comprehensive Plans typically address a wide range of issues that are important to residents and business leaders. Exploring issues and opportunities, engaging the public in a group problem solving exercise and building a consensus on the future direction of the Town.
A Comprehensive Plan is a policy document and provides guidance to decision makers. It provides direction to the Town for investing in improvements and public facilities, revising or creating new zoning or use regulations, protecting ecologically sensitive areas, and recommending issues for further study. Concept plans and other visuals within the Comprehensive Plan help demonstrate ideas and hoped-for outcomes.
How can I provide opinions, ideas, strategies, and/or information to contribute to this process?
In addition to checking the website, the Town Board will regularly provide updates at its regular meetings and through conventional and social media. Public engagement opportunities will be advertised on the website and board meeting minutes.
Who will create the Comprehensive Plan?
We are asking for volunteers from all sections of the Town population to be on the committee. The ideal size of the committee is 7 to 10 people, representing homeowners, lake frontage owners from both lakes, agricultural land owners, small business owners, for example. Committee members will perform outreach to stakeholders in the Town, oversee community surveys that focus on key topic areas of housing, recreation, hamlet development, etc., and in general, create the living document that will provide guidance to the Town Government for the future.
How long will it take to create the plan?
A comprehensive Plan typically take 8-12 months to develop, which then goes through an approval process with the Town Board and the County.
Why do we need one?
While a Comprehensive Plan is not mandatory for a Town, if zoning, restrictive permits, or land development or restriction is desired, the Comprehensive Plan gives the Town Government the “teeth” to uphold the strategies laid out to ensure the Town moves forward in a manner that represents the needs and wants of the majority of the population.
Interested in joining the Town of Dannemora Comprehensive Plan Committee?
If you are interested, please call the Town Offices at 518-492-7541 ext 1 or 2.