Town of Dannemora
Welcome to the
Chazy Lake, Lyon Mountain, Ledger's Corners, Village of Dannemora
Town Supervisor
Deborah Coryer
Phone: 518-492-7541 Extension 1
Fax: 518-492-7314
Email: dcoryer@townofdannemora.com
Supervisor's Secretary
Billie Jo Carter
Phone: 518-492-7541 Extension 2
Fax: 518-492-7314
Email: bcarter@townofdannemora.com
Mailing and Physical Address:
Dannemora Town Supervisor
78 Higby Road
Ellenburg Depot, NY 12935
The Town Supervisor is a voting member of the town board who presides at meetings, often carries out town board decisions and represents the town in the conduct of its financial affairs. The Town Supervisor is the leader of the town, representing the town at public events and continually networking with Local, County, State and Federal Officials to advocate for the town.
The Town Supervisor is the budget officer and must prepare the tentative town budget with recommendations for the town board. The town board may make any changes, alterations and revisions to the budget it considers advisable before adopting the yearly budget. The Town Supervisor certifies each payroll and disburses monies upon warrant of the Town Clerk and after audit and allowance by the town board.
The town board may delegate to the Town Supervisor the power and duties of administration and supervision of town functions to be performed on behalf of the town board, thus allowing the town to function between monthly town board meetings. A town board may not abdicate to the supervisor or surrender the board's basic statutory responsibilities.